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钢铁之师诺曼底44游戏翻译 战术的改变介绍

2017-05-31      作者:

钢铁之师诺曼底44游戏翻译 战术的改变介绍。钢铁之师诺曼底44战术的改变怎么样,游戏过程中,动态前线与动态战线有什么区别?怎么在最短时间内发挥出最有效的战术?一起来看看战术的改变游戏玩法翻译,为你带来精彩的战术!


Tactics over twitch


  Thefront line is also a tactical instrument that facilitates the understanding ofthe battlefield as a whole. This feature is what enables you to take a step backand have a global view which helps you make the best decisions.

  Everypart of the map has its importance now. You must choose what deserves yourattention. You must consider the most effective strategy at any given time,even if you have to deviate from your initial plan, as losses grow oropportunities come to pass. Ingame events shape the front line in an alwaysunique way. Is it better to hold your position or attempt a breakthrough? Doyou have to abandon the “hedgerow hell” for some safer urban areas? Does a tanks column forces you towithdraw?

  Itsimplifies the action without making it simplistic. Indeed, if one playerpushes in one direction, it is impossible to tell the strength nor the numberof troops he’s bringing forward just by looking at the map. The opponent has tosee them through his units’ eyes. And in the hand of a sneaky player, the frontline can be a very good tool to misinform his opponent …






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